Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Riding and XML

Well, the camping/riding trip was great. It was really relaxing and I got to ride a lot. The ole' XR 500 did just great. The 30 dollar ebay shock worked great and over all it was a lot of fun to ride. I really enjoyed the long group ride. It's really cool seeing 10 bikes scooting across the dry lake bed. There are some pictures on the photoblog. Saturday we had a nice surprise, my Beautiful Wife called and said, "Hey, I'm at Kramer Junction, come get me". I was so thrilled she came. Everyone was!

So sunday morning, we hopped on a quad and went for a little ride. It was something that I have always wanted to share with her. I don't know what it is about dirt riding, I just really enjoy the feeling and the visuals of it all.

Well, the train is getting close to work, I will talk about the XML portion of this post a little later.

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