Monday, May 10, 2004

The Weekend

So, an interesting thing happened this weekend. I didn't work. I mean, I did but not really. Monitor a server doesn't really feel like work work. I got to spend time with my Beautiful Wife and the Little. My Dad and I helped a friend move. (You can always tell if someone is really your friend if they help you move) Sunday morning I was exhausted from helping our friend move. (Dad and I didn't get home till after 2:45am saturday night/sunday morning). So I couldn't do much sunday morning but sit around the house and rest up a bit.

I got to feelin' a little better in the afternoon so my Beautiful Wife, the Little Boy and I headed down to the happiest place on earth. It wasn't too crowded. The crowds weren't as light as when we went last weekend with Mom and Dad but it was good. Anyhow we did all of the little boys favorites, pirates, pooh, autopia, his new favorite star tours and honey I shrank the audience. That last one was a little too intense for him. I don't think we'll do that one for a while.

My favorite quote from the day is from the Little Boy (most of my favorite quotes here lately are from him). So let me set the scene, we are on Autopia. He steers the car, I work the gas pedal. It works good for us since he reach the pedal yet. Anyhow, the Little Boy works very hard at, driving it well, keeping it between the lines. He hates when the car bumps the inner rail because it jerks the steering wheel out of his hands. That being said, he didn't quite get the car straightened out in time, and the rail got him, and moved the steering wheel, with the attitude of someone that's been driving LA traffic, everyday for the last 10 years, he balls up his little fist, and yell "Stupid Car" and hits section of the steering wheel where the horn would be. Now this has to be all him. I don't drive during the week. (I metrolink it to work) So my driving has calmed down tremendously. My Beautiful Wife doesn't drive like that either. She is a very calm driver and doesn't get rattled by traffic. So it has to be his little personality. It's amazing to see it coming out.

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