I grew up driving trucks. Being that my family is in construction, and trucks and construction go to hand and hand it make sense that I learned to drive, trucks. In fact the first six months I had my license I would drive a D-50 dodge flatbed through downtown LA every day to pickup one of the guys we worked with and then would drive to Santa Monica. Also being in construction, you are always backing up to drop off or pick up materials. As if that wasn’t enough, my first driving lesson my Dad ever gave me was backing up. He said, if you can back a car up, the rest is easy. So needless to say, I thought I knew how to back a vehicle up till last night.
We are doing some concrete work in the back yard and need to go pick up some more concrete. Of course I can’t put 20 bags of 90lb concrete in the back of the camry, so I borrow brother K’s truck, which use to be Papa’s Truck. So we are at the big orange home store, buying concrete. And as you may know, I can’t borrow a truck without the Little Boy going with me. What can I say the Boy Loves trucks. Anyhow, so I have to back up to get the concrete in the back of the truck. I had to back up around a corner and miss shopping carts, building materials and other vehicles. So I start to back up, and the Little Boy jumps in the back seat of the truck, (its a club cab) and presses his nose right against the glass, and starts saying, “Okay, go left a little bit, right a little bit, stop, go forward Al right you got it, good job, keep going, keep going, you did it!”It was so darn cute. So next time I back up a truck, I’ll need the assistance of our back seat drivin’ Little Boy.