Thursday, May 20, 2004

The Eyes have it

Today my Beautiful Wife and I had an appointment with our Optometrist. It has been about three years since I've gotten my eyes checked. So I was a little nervous. I know that they have gotten a little worse.  Of course sitting in front of a computer all day, typing away doesn't help them much. It went as well as can be expected. The Optometrist seemed like a nice man, and wasn't in a rush to get you out the door. The little boy of course went with us.

 Now that was a new experience for me. Last time I picked out glasses I was by myself and could take as long as I wanted. However after the Little Boy had patiently sat through both My Beautiful Wife's and my eye exam he was ready to go. But I still needed to pick out some frames. With some good advice from my Beautiful Wife I got some frames that will look nice two years from now. (When the insurance allows us to get new glasses) She on the other hand is going to go pick out hers when the little Boy is in school. (A very wise decision.) So Hightlights from the Optometrist visit.

  • The Little Boy pretending to have a conversation with my Brother on a my cell phone which was turned off. It is great to see him using his imagination.
  • One of the office stafff asked The Little Boy if he wanted to sit down and wait, and he  informed her that he was going to be with one of us and he didn't care which, but under no circumstances was he going to sit down for her.(my heart swells with pride on this one)
  • My Beautiful Wife looking at me in my new glasses, and giving me a look of 'you are the handsomest man on earth, after Johnny Dep'.
  • On the way home we stopped at A&W and everyone had a Root Beer Float.



Russ said...

Did I mention that the little Boy gave the front office staff a really hard time?

Anonymous said...

From Sis,

Hey Brother, that made me smile. Can't wait to see the new specs. *smile* Take care.